Sharp / NEC Commercial Displays

NEC display, xogo digital signage, RPi, NEC mediaplayer

Sharp / NEC Commercial Displays

Pros: RPi module integrated into commercial displays! Install XOGO Player using on-screen menus. Thin bezel, durable, and since XOGO runs on the RPi module you don’t need to plug in an external player device.

Cons: Can you find lower-priced displays on the market? Yes, but these are commercial-grade and designed to operate 24/7 for years. You also don’t need to purchase an external player.

Cost: $500-3,500 USD

Learn More: NEC Media Player

We’ve partnered with NEC on a number of projects over the years, including a 21-country digital signage deployment for Microsoft Surface. We are excited to announce our latest project together- making XOGO available on NEC’s integrated Raspberry Pi modules! Soon customers will be able to purchase any RPi-enabled NEC display and select XOGO Player in the system menus. The familiar XOGO PIN code screen will appear, and then the display can be controlled using our free XOGO Manager app (available for Windows, Android and iOS, and coming soon to web browsers).

Running XOGO natively on the RPi module means that no external player is required. That means one less device to worry about, and no messy wires to hide behind the display.